keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2024

Vaasa finalistiksi – ympäristöasioissa tavoitteet pidettävä korkealla!


Vaasan kaupungin sivulta

Lainaus sivulta

”Vaasan kaupunki on yksi seitsemästä eurooppalaisesta kaupungista, jotka on valittu vuoden 2026 European Green Capital & Green Leaf -palkinnon finalistien joukkoon. Euroopan komission järjestämässä kilpailussa keskitytään siihen, miten kaupungit ovat onnistuneet ja pyrkivät jatkossa vastaamaan ilmastonmuutoksen, saasteiden ja luontokadon muodostamiin ympäristöhaasteisiin.

” – Green Leaf -finaalipaikka tukee hienosti Vaasan roolia globaalissa ilmastotyössä. Erityisesti energia-ala on vahvassa teknologisessa murroksessa siirryttäessä kohti ympäristövastuullisempia tuotantomuotoja. Vaasalaisen energiasektorin tuotteiden positiiviset ilmastovaikutukset ovat maailmanlaajuisesti merkittäviä ja siitä vaasalaiset saavat olla ylpeitä, toteaa kaupunginjohtaja Tomas Häyry



Kuvalainaus Euroopan komission tiedotteesta:


Sustainable cities: European Green Capital & Green Leaf Awards finalists selected

Seven cities have been shortlisted by the European Commission to enter the final stage of the 2026 competition following an assessment prepared by a panel of independent experts.



Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries,said:-

    “It is encouraging to see cities with ambition and determination to pursue the green transition. It is for the benefit of their citizens, their health and quality of life, but also for businesses and our ecosystems. With the Nature Restoration Law adopted, we now have clear targets for greening cities.

    "Today’s finalists are already frontrunning in key environmental areas and can be an inspiration for others to follow.”

The European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards look at the achievements of Europe’s top sustainable cities in seven environmental areas:


    Air Quality

    Water Management

    Biodiversity, Green Areas, and Sustainable Land Use

    Waste and Circular Economy

    Noise Pollution

    Climate Change Mitigation

    Climate Change Adaptation


Cities’ achievements 

Green Capital

Heilbronn has a comprehensive noise pollution monitoring system. The integration of noise management into the ‘Landscape Plan 2030’ and the ‘Mobility Concept’ and the wider citizen involvement demonstrate a holistic approach to urban planning. 


Guimarães has been selected for its waste management and circular economy practices prohibiting single-use materials at city events and promoting food waste prevention programs. In addition, it has also improved water efficiency by reducing water consumption in municipal-owned buildings, early leak detection and repair, and creating public water stations.


Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee has comprehensive air quality monitoring and plans to further improve air quality by connecting more households to sustainable district heating and investing in sustainable city logistics, including electric cargo bikes.  


Green Leaf

Sant Boi de Llobregat integrates nature-based solutions, urban drainage systems and climate change adaptation into the city. The city also has an extensive plastic-free program, which promotes the use of tap water, offering glass bottles and includes a ‘Tips for a Plastic-Free Shopping’ campaign.

Saint-Quentin disposes of waste through a management system with comprehensive coverage, using colour-coded bins for different waste types. To support this, the city introduced innovative measures such as a digital reward system for recycling (‘CLIIINK’).


Agueda has a ‘Climate Action Plan’ with the ambitious target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050 compared to 2005. The ‘BeAgueda’ project integrates a shared-use e-bicycle system to improve transport efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and promote healthy lifestyles.


Vaasa has implemented innovative online systems such as the web app ‘Water Account’ for real-time monitoring of water use by customers. ‘Minimossen’ in the city is Finland's first recycling mall and a shopping place for sustainable consumption.

Vaasassa on otettu käyttöön innovatiivisia verkkojärjestelmiä, kuten Water Account -verkkosovellus, jonka avulla asiakkaat voivat seurata reaaliaikaisesti veden käyttöä. Kaupungin Minimossen on Suomen ensimmäinen kierrätyskeskus ja kestävän kulutuksen ostospaikka.


Aineiston koonti / jako

Aimo Nyberg



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